SAVE THE DATE! Register Now
LOCATION: Mandarin Baptist Church, Alhambra
Garfield Worship Center: 210 N. Garfield Avenue, Alhambra, CA 91801
Register online $25.00 through July 12th * July 13-18th - $30.00 * At the door - $35.00
Tentative Schedule
8:00am - 8:50am Registration/Coffee continental breakfast 9:00am - 9:45am Opening Session 10:00am -10:45am Breakout Session #1
11:00am - 11:45am Breakout Session #2 11:50am - 12:30pm Lunch 12:45pm - 1:30pm Breakout Session #3 1:45pm - 3:00pm Closing Session
Breakout Topics
Compassion Ministries/ English as a Second Language - Many people from other countries live, work, and study in the United States. Often, they need to learn to speak English well to: get or keep a job., obtain medical care, communicate with their children’s teachers and to hear the Gospel. Learn how an English as a Second Language Basic workshop equips local church volunteers to intentionally share the Gospel with new English speakers. and how to begin a ministry to help internationals learn English in your community.
Compassion Ministries/ Project Help Mental Health: The Church’s Response - WMU provides multiple avenues for churches to raise awareness of mental health as a critical issue in all our lives and equip members in awareness and championing mental health initiatives both the church and the local community.
Compassion Ministries/ Baptist Nursing Fellowship - Discover the opportunities available through Baptist Nursing Fellowship. Open to any nursing or health care professional interested in Christian professional fellowship, opportunities for continuing education and growth, as well as encouraging of nursing service projects and mission trip opportunities.
Preschool Missions: Mission Friends - In Mission Friends, preschoolers develop a missions heart growing toward God as they become aware that God loves all people.
Missions Journey: Kids - 2023-2024 Theme: Faithful. Children love to share God’s love, And children learn by doing. Through Missions Journey: Kids, children learn to share His love in multiple ways. Learn about missions discipleship resources for boys & girls grades 1st-6th grade designed to help them: learn about missions, pray for missions, support missions and do missions and tell others about Jesus!
Missions Journey: Students - Acteens, Challengers and Youth on Mission provides an opportunity for teens (7th-12th grades) to develop a strong biblical framework, awakening a passion for the gospel of Jesus and provides an opportunity for students to live out their faith in a tangible way through avenues of service.
Women on Mission - Women on Mission is a missions discipleship group designed to equip adult women to live out missions through mission projects, ministries, prayer, Bible study, giving and do missions by sharing the gospel of Jesus with others around them.
Adults on Mission - Missions discipleship is for everyone! Come and learn about how to engage all adults in missions discipleship and missions opportunities to share the gospel through your church in your community and beyond.
Families on Mission - Fall is a wonderful time for families to enjoy being on mission together! As the new church year begins & school gets back underway come and learn about free resources to help your families to learn and pray for missionaries and how your family can share Christ’s love to those around you.
Misiones para la vida - cada mes un stidio de misiones y un pan de reunion. Estos articulos son excelentes herramientos para informar a su los misiones Bautistas del Sur estan haciendo en los Unidos y por todo el mundo.
Recursos disponibles en internet para WMU/UFM - Aprender a navegar en internet para aprovechar los recursos de apoyo disponibles.
Sisters Who Care -Modeled after the national WMU Sisters Who Care, SWC is an African American expression of Women on Mission as a resource for African American congregations that affirms the kingdom work already taking place and which ignites passion and engages women in culturally relevant missions work locally and globally to inspire and equip women to influence the world for Christ.
Korean WMU Leadership Skills: 5 Essential Leadership Skills for Women - This breakout will be taught in Korean. This is an overview of the online course (soon to be available through WMU’s Christian Women’s Leadership Center) for Christian women who desire personal and profession development in five essential areas of leadership: communication skills, relationship skills, time management skills, group=building skills, and conflict management skills.
WMU in the Korean Church: Session #1 Ready, Set, Go! Part #1 Interactive Missions Education - WMU’s focus is making disciples of Jesus who live on mission. Let’s get ready so that we can fully be equipped to go and make disciples of Jesus who live on mission.
WMU in the Korean Church: Session #2 Ready, Set, Go! - Part #2 Story of WMU - WMU has a great story to tell! Come and hear all the remarkable courage and dedication of WMU leaders and we invite you to continue the story of WMU.
WMU and missions discipleship in the Chinese Church - This breakout will be taught in Mandarin. (description coming soon)
and more….
Register online. $25.00 (includes lunch) through July 12th. At the door $35.00