Northern California: Bell Road Baptist Church, Auburn
Link to register for Auburn
Central California: Fellowship Baptist Church, Bakersfield
Link for Bakersfield
The 2024 Priority theme: Scattered Mathew 13:31-32
Priority is an exciting event with one purpose: celebrating God’s amazing love through transforming power. It is planned just for you! Be blessed, encouraged and challenged as we worship the One who created us to be transformed in His image to serve His purpose.
Priority is a time when women like us, ordinary women serving an extraordinary God in our local churches and communities, can come together for a time of both encouragement and equipping. Priority delivers solid bible teaching, worship, training on special issues facing women today, and friendships. Women need to be reminded that we are not alone, God has placed them in a community alongside other leaders to spur each other on as we run our races.
Sessions are designed to help women be better equipped to make a difference in their community, family, church or workplace. Facilitators will deliver quality seminars and relevant, interactive workshops.
$45 Early Bird Registration ends April 24! $60 after that.
Lunch: included in registration
Tentative Schedule:
8:00-8:30am Registration
8:45am Welcome
9:00 -10:30am Morning Session
10:45-11:30am Break-out Session
Lunch (catered Panera Bread - see choices below)
12:15-1:00pm Break-out Sessions
1:15-2:00pm Afternoon Session
Break-out sessions:
Praying without Ceasing-Learning the Always of Prayer The prayers of God's people play a part in advancing the gospel here and around the world. The ministry of prayer is not always easy. Have you experienced a 'barren' time in your life only to discover it was preparing you for the blessing to come, or God was teaching you about His faithfulness in His care for you?
Praying with Perseverance-The Power of Not Giving Up :Being Joyful in Hope God uses situations in life to develop our prayer lives and our faith and transform us through His grace. Being faithful in prayer - Show up, pray up, and don't give up as you go along the way!
Praying with Surrender-Giving My Life for His Plan: Patient in Afflication What does a surrendered life look like? What does the result look like in relationship to His 'transforming grace' in our lives?
Guest Speakers:
Catherine is a church planter’s wife and a mom and serves as the National Director of Women’s Evangelism at the North American Mission Board. She and her husband, Chris Renfro, have two awesome kiddos. In 2021, they began the church planting journey and launched Hope Church in Alpharetta, Georgia, where Chris is the lead pastor. Catherine graduated from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2010 with a master’s degree in Christian Education and Biblical Counseling after being called to ministry at 22 and has served in full-time ministry ever since. She is passionate about seeing lost people come to know Jesus and for believers to live out their purpose of making Jesus known.
Anne Harrison is passionate about connecting women with the God Who loves their souls, with Scripture, and with other women who will encourage them to grow and flourish. She and her husband, Jim, have three young adult sons and a beautiful daughter-in-law! Anne is a graduate of Texas A&M University, holds a Master in Ministry to Women from SEBTS and is currently pursuing a doctorate in Educational Ministry from Dallas Theological Seminary. She loves the local church and served as the Director of Women’s Ministries at First Baptist Church, Wichita Falls, Texas for over a decade. She currently serves on the Lifeway Women’s Event Team, simulcast team, and as a Lifeway trainer. Some of her favorite things include taking long naps on rainy days, short naps on sunny days, and enjoying a cold-brew coffee every day.